Wedding Definition — What is a Star of the event?

The bride is the woman partner in a wedding ceremony. Her future husband is called the lick or groom, and the associated with her wedding party is called the bridal party.

In Western culture, a bride is traditionally joined by a maid of honor, best man and one or more bridesmaids. The bridesmaids are generally close friends or family members.


The bride wears a long dress and a veil. The gown is often white which is bought simply for the wedding time. It is not put on again.


In some cultures, a bride may hold a small treat from her parents or perhaps grandparents on her wedding day. This is often something as simple as a arrangement of plants.


Some couples choose to currently have a first start looking before the wedding, when they can easily see each other for a short few moments before the wedding begins. This is often captured in a photo or video.


Many brides also acquire an accessory from a major woman in their life, like their very own grandmother’s jewels or the pendant her mother wore on her wedding day. This can be a way just for the bride to honor her loved ones whilst still saving money by using an expensive item that she will only wear once.


The bride wears a veil during the wedding ceremony, which she cleans away before uploading the reception. She also posesses bouquet of flowers. In a few cultures, a garter is usually worn.

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